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Partners in Prevention encourages each of its member campuses to implement strategies which change or improve laws and policies related to college health and safety. These policies could be federal, statewide, or local.

PIP believes that campus coalitions should have an active understanding of the lawmaking process in the state of Missouri as a critical step to understand the state laws and polices related to alcohol, drugs, mental health, gambling, and safe driving.

These resources can help campuses learn more about the lawmaking process and how to get involved individually, or advocate as a campus-community coalition.

  1. ACT Missouri’s weekly updates about current pieces of legislation and its progress through the House, Senate, and Governor’s office. Each week during the legislative session, ACT Missouri produces weekly updates about current pieces of legislation and its progress through the House, Senate, and Governor’s office.
  2. ACT Missouri’s Capitol Basics about making a trip to the Capitol.
  3. Locate your legislators with this useful database.
  4. Resources and other information from ACT Missouri about how to talk with your legislators.

Dates and Deadlines

The following are some important deadlines and dates for the year. We will update this list weekly and add important deadlines as we have them. Please mark your calendars. Note: some dates are tentative.
Proposed timeline for the Missouri Assessment of College Health Behaviors Survey
  1. September: Schools should start thinking about incentives and identifying the correct counseling center contact information
  2. September 1: Survey provided for feedback on content/structure
  3. September 8: Feedback on survey content/structure due
  4. September 22: Incentives decided, extra questions (yes or no)
  5. October 6: Extra questions due (if applicable)
  6. November 13: Implementation dates set
  7. Early January: begin conversations about pulling samples
    • Samples due two weeks prior to implementation
  8. February thru early March: Implementation
  9. May 10: Last day for requests
  10. May 24: Last day to submit receipts


  1. Policies and Procedures
  2. How to use Basecamp
  3. Quarterly Report/Biennial Review Process Summary
  4. Online Training for PIP Members

How To

National Research Articles

SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) has recently released a new resources on drinking and substance misuse: Youth Marijuana Use: Consumption, Consequence, and Risk and Protective Factor Data Resources, which offers prevention practitioners a comprehensive listing of available data resources and surveys developed by and for a range of federal agencies.

CAPT has also revised three tools to highlight current research on college/campus populations:

  1. Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Binge or Episodic Drinking Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Using Prevention Research to Guide Prevention Practice: provides an overview of risk and protective factors associated with binge drinking, detailed summaries of individual research studies and their findings, and a separate section that highlights factors relevant to college populations and campuses.
  2. Strategies to Prevent Binge or Heavy Episodic Drinking Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Using Prevention Research to Guide Prevention Practice: Provides an overview of the relevant literature, including a separate section on strategies shown to be effective with college populations, descriptions of individual studies, and tips for using the document to inform prevention planning.
  3. Risk and Protective Factors Associated with the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs: Using Prevention Research to Guide Prevention Practice: Provides an overview of risk and protective factors associated with prescription drug misuse, detailed summaries of individual research studies and their findings, and a separate section that highlights factors relevant to college populations and campuses.

The Nature and Correlates of Young Women's Peer-Directed Protective Behavioral Strategies
Armstrong, K., Watling, H., Buckley, L. (February 2014) Addictive Behaviors

The Burden of Alcohol Use: Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Related Consequences among College Students
White, A., Hingson, R. (2014) Alcohol Research, The Journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Dating Violence among College Students: The Risk and Protective Factors
Kaukinen, C. (February 2014) Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Improving College Campus-Based Prevention of Violence against Women: A Strategic Plan for Research Built on Multipronged Practices and Policies
Banyard, V. L. (February 2014) Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Focus On: Women and the Costs of Alcohol Use
Wilsnack, S. C., Wilsnack, R.W.(2014) Alcohol Research, The Journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Feminist Self-Defense and Resistance Training for College Students: A Critical Review and Recommendations for the Future
Gidycz, C.A., Dardis, C.M (February 2014) Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Measuring the Burden: Alcohol's Evolving Impact
Hingson, R. (2014) Alcohol Research, The Journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Campus and College Victim Responses to Sexual Assault and Dating Violence: Disclosure, Service Utilization, and Service Provision
Sabina, C., Ho, L.Y. (February 2014) Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Academic Advising via Facebook: Examining Student Help Seeking
Amador, P. & Amador, J. (April 2014) The Internet and Higher Education

College Student Drinking Research From the 1940s to the Future: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going
Kilmer, J.R., Cronce, J.M. & Larimer, M.E. (March 2014) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

Case Closed: Research Evidence on the Positive Public Health Impact of the Age 21 Minimum Legal Drinking Age in the United States
DeJong, W., Blanchette, J. (March 2014) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

Dangerous Climates: Factors Associated With Variation in Racist Hate Crimes on College Campuses
Dyke, N. (July 2014) Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice

Response of Heavy-drinking Voluntary and Mandated College Students to a Peer-led Brief Motivational Intervention Addressing Alcohol Use
Mastroleo, N.R., Oakley, W., Eaton, E.M. & Borsani, B. (June 2014) The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

College Student Perceptions of Victim Action: Will Targets of Stalking Report to Police?
Cass, A.I. & Mallicoat, S., L. (June 2014) American Journal of Criminal Justice

Randomized Controlled Trial of a Web-Delivered Personalized Normative Feedback Intervention to Reduce Alcohol-Related Risky Sexual Behavior Among College Students
Lewis, M.A., Patrick, M.E., Litt, D.M., Atkins, D.C., Kim, T., Blayney, J.A., Norris, J., George, W.H. & Larimer, M.E. (June 2014) Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Protective Behavioral Strategies Mediate Problem-Focused Coping and Alcohol Use in College Students
Walker, R. & Stephens, R.S. (June 2014) Addictive Behaviors

Developing Public Health Regulations for Marijuana: Lessons from Alcohol and Tobacco
Pacula, R. L., Kilmer, B., Wagenaar, A.C., Chaloupka, F. & Caulkins, J.P. (June 2014) American Journal of Public Health

Effects of the Campus Watch Intervention on Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm in a University Population
Cousins, K., Connor, J.L. & Kypros, K. (July 2014) Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Local Support for Alcohol Control Policies and Perceptions of Neighborhood Issues in Two College Communities
Fairlie, A.M., DeJong, W. & Wood, M.D. (July 2014) Substance Abuse

The Effect of Enrolling in a Minority-Serving Institution for Black and Hispanic Students in Texas
Flores, S.M. & Park, T.J. (July 2014) Research in Higher Education

Are Female College Students Who are Diagnosed with Depression at Greater Risk of Experiencing Sexual Violence on College Campus?
Hossain, M.B., Memiah, P. & Adeyinka A. (August 2014) Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved

Perceptions of, and Assistance Provided to, a Hypothetical Rape Victim: Differences Between Rape Disclosure Recipients and Nonrecipients
Paul, L.P., Kehn, K., Gray, M.J. & Salapska-Gelleri, J. (August 2014) Journal of American College Health

The Role of Positive Alcohol Expectancies in Underage Binge Drinking Among College Students
McBride, N.M., Barrett, B., Moore, K.A. & Schonfeld, L. (August 2014) Journal of American College Health

Psychological Factors in Community College Student Retention
Lukea, C., Redekopb, F. & Burgina C. (August 2014) Community College Journal of Research and Practice


I would like to receive PIP updates like research and training information through my email. How can I do this?

You can sign up by clicking here.

I want to request information from PIP regarding school specific information or demographics, how do I do this?

The most efficient way to have data to be collected and sent to you is through a data request. These requests can be made through the PIP website and will generally be processed within 1-2 weeks.

I have a presentation for my school, UM System, etc. Can PIP help me prepare for this?

PIP can help you collect and analyze your data, as well as prepare Excel and PowerPoints for you so that you may more effectively communicate information.

I currently receive paper copies of the data briefs but would like to start receiving them electronically. How do I get this switched?

PIP staff can easily switch you between the lists. Just send an email pip@missouri.edu or call (573) 884-7551.

If my campus Drive Safe Drive Smart contact changes, how should I let you know?

You can contact us at any time with updates to your PIP contacts (Cheers, Drive Safe Drive Smart, ALR, etc). Just send an email pip@missouri.edu or call (573) 884-7551.

The latest brief was especially relevant to my campus but I wish I could have seen my campus specific data in comparison to the statewide numbers. It would be helpful to have this to give to my administrators. Is there any way to get something like it?

Yes! Just give PIP staff at least 2 weeks notice and they can turn any existing brief into a campus specific brief containing your data.

How do I fill out an ALR promotional materials request form?

To fill out an ALR promotional item request form, you can visit www.asklistenrefer.org. Near the top of the page, you can "Click here to download an order form for ALR promotional items." You can also visit pip.missouri.edu/order.html. Click on the Ask. Listen. Refer. Order Form and fill out. – the answer to this will change once we move the order form.

How do I submit an ALR promotional materials request form?

All order forms should be sent to muwrcasklistenrefer@missouri.edu or call (573) 882-9335 to place an order.

How do I start an ALR site for my school?

Getting an Ask. Listen. Refer. site for your schools is an easy process. The first step is to contact us at muwrcasklistenrefer@missouri.edu. We will give you instructions!

I have a question about the policies and procedures of Partners in Prevention. Where can I get clarification?

You can visit the Partners in Prevention Policies and Procedures Manual or call Partners in Prevention at (573) 884-7551.