CHEERS was designed to increase the number of designated drivers throughout the state of Missouri. Bars, restaurants and nightclubs participating in CHEERS provide FREE non-alcoholic beverages to the acknowledged designated driver in a group of two or more. It's a way of saying thanks for caring about the safety of your friends and community! Establishment owners all across the state have been invited to join CHEERS and to play an active role in ensuring the health and safety of their patrons. Please support bars, restaurants and nightclubs that participate in CHEERS, and if your favorite place is not a member, encourage them to adopt the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I contact CHEERS?
    Call or email! 573.882.9335 or
  1. What bars participate in CHEERS?
    Click here for a list of participating establishments!
  1. Do I have to be 21 to get free non-alcoholic drinks?
    No. A designated driver is anyone who agrees to remain sober, in order to be able to drive others home safely. As long as you are old enough to drive and are old enough to be allowed in the establishment, you can participate in CHEERS.
  1. Will you pick me up if I can’t drive home?
    No, sorry. The CHEERS program cannot pick you up. If you need a safe ride home, please call a friend or call a taxi. If you are a student at the University of Missouri, you can call STRIPES at (573) 442-9672.
  1. What if an establishment doesn’t give me my drink for free?
    Please contact us either via email or at (573) 882-9335. We greatly appreciate your feedback and will contact the establishment.
  1. What’s the difference between the University of Missouri’s STRIPES program and CHEERS?
    STRIPES is a student-run organization on campus that provides free rides home to intoxicated MU students. Their number is on the yellow CHEERS cards. They operate Thursday-Saturday from 10pm-3am. CHEERS is a Missouri-wide program that coordinates free drinks for designated drivers at area establishments.
  1. Can I get alcoholic drinks for free?
    No - sorry! This program is to reward the designated sober driver. Although you may not feel intoxicated after one or two drinks, we define the designated driver as someone who has consumed no alcohol.
  1. What is the definition of a designated driver?
    A Designated Driver is someone who consumes no alcohol at all - not even one drink. Never take a ride with the “least drunk” person in your group.

CHEERS to the Designated Driver. All rights reserved.
(573) 882-9335 | G202 MU Student Center, Columbia, MO 65211 | Contact Us
facebook @projectcheers