
Click here for the minimum recommended system requirements needed to run the training.

Registration Instructions

Note: There can now be multiple managers per establishment!

ID Guides

SMART is now offering 2024 U.S. ID checking guides, FREE for you establishment.

I.D. Checking Guides help your staff to recognize signs of fake or altered identification, this makes them an excellent training tool for bartenders, security personnel, servers, and cashiers!

I.D. Checking Guide orders are regularly checked by our SMART Coordinator, who will determine if your order is able to be processed as submitted.

Please order the guides by clicking here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding SMART, please contact us at (573) 882-9335 or
For technical support, please contact (402) 472-4340

SMART is sponsored by MoDOT, fully supported by the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, and is coordinated through the Wellness Resource Center at the University of Missouri.
Support for this campaign provided with federal highway safety grant funds from the Missouri Department of Transportation.