Fake ID

Having a Fake ID:

Not Worth the Risk

Consequences for Using a Fake ID

Getting charged with having a fake ID in the state of Missouri can have serious implications for your future. Possessing false identification—whether it’s someone else’s ID or any type of forged document—is considered a class A misdemeanor. This type of misdemeanor can result in hefty fines or even significant jailtime. The misdemeanor can also remain on your record permanently.

Charges of this kind can have a serious impact on your future. Having a permanent misdemeanor on your record can make it difficult to find employment, receive financial assistance for college, receive government assistance, and even obtain a commercial driver’s license if you need that type of license for future employment opportunities.

Impacts on the Community

Using a fake ID at any establishment can tarnish the name of the business and cause them legal issues. Establishments that are ‘known’ for accepting fake IDs are often closely watched by law enforcement and audited with stings. You do not want to be the person that has a business’s liquor license revoked, or entire operation shut down by their accidental acceptance of your fake ID. This also risks employees’ jobs and liberties as well; bartenders, weed-tenders, tobacco and nicotine retailers, bouncers, servers, and managers can all be held individually responsible for selling you liquor, tobacco and nicotine, or cannabis that was purchased with a fake ID. Using a fake ID is not a victimless crime, and can cause others to lose their businesses, jobs, or even be charged with a crime for your negligence.

Cannabis and Fake IDs

With the passing of Amendment 3 in Missouri, it’s important to touch on cannabis laws as well. While purchasing and possessing up to 3oz of recreational cannabis is legal now, it is only legal for adults aged 21 and up. This means the use of a fake ID in a cannabis dispensary holds the same consequences and punishments, as it would in any other setting. This also means buying cannabis for your underage friends can hold consequences as well. The possible charges range from tickets, all the way to felonies. This can affect your school enrollment, future jobs, and future financial success.

Risks when Purchasing a Fake ID

There is also personal risk when purchasing a fake ID because the information you may share when buying one can be taken. This includes your name, address, photo and other identifying information like eye color and height. Scammers can use this information to make fake travel documents, open financial accounts, or even commit other types of fraud using your name.

Other Consequences

The production of fake IDs is associated with fraud, human trafficking, and other dangerous and illegal activities. The revenue generated from their sales is known to fund organized crime. When purchasing a fake ID, your money could be contributing to an industry that causes widespread harm.

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