PIP News

Considering Going to Therapy? 5 Common Challenges

“If your car isn’t working you would take it to the mechanic.” “Mental health care is just like physical healthcare. Take care of your body and your mind.” “Going to a therapist isn’t weakness, it’s a sign of strength.” Ever heard any of these? Me too. And, as a therapist, I believe them wholeheartedly. But, just because […]

PIP News

Questions for Connection: Arthur Aron’s Study of Intimacy Building

The way people fall in love or even develop strong friendships can be so emotionally or psychologically intense that it feels unquantifiable, “like magic.” But, in a digital and remote age that can make traditional modes of connection difficult, a few researchers have attempted to figure out just what it is that helps people connect. […]


What Makes People Fall in Love?

As captivating and mysterious as love is often portrayed, there actually is quite a bit of science to it. Numerous studies have attempted to tackle what influences people to be more likely to fall in love with one another and develop passion, as well as the chemical process that happens when people fall in love. […]


What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Hello January with your cold, long days and less light than we are used to. Are you over yet?! Many people start the calendar year with a lot of hope for a fresh start, only to hit what feels like quicksand when it comes to motivation and activity. You may have heard the mental health […]


New Year, Old You?

This first month of the year can bring such hope for a fresh start. Maybe you are hoping for a new health routine, a reset on your financial goals, maybe it’s a new approach to self-care or relationships. Perhaps it is that long-awaited goal on the horizon but, you know it’s going to take some […]


“Dry January” or “Sober Curious?” You’re Not Alone

Since the early 2010’s, when the calendar changes, there are a trend of people on social media announcing a “Dry January.” From hashtags to reels, stories of success or quick relapse, these people let us in on their journey to remove alcohol consumption from their routine for the first month of the year. Why Dry […]


What is Depression?

The casual use of mental health terms is common. But, as central as these terms may be in our everyday vocabulary, it can help with understanding and empathy if we learn more about the specifics associated with some of the most common mental health challenges. We have previously explored anxiety as it presents in different […]

Latest PIP News

Loneliness & Isolation During the Holidays

Feelings of loneliness and the experience of isolation is not a new phenomenon during the holidays. It is uncomfortable, but fairly common, to have an experience of feeling alone in a crowd because loneliness and isolation are as much an internal experience as an external one. As we move into the holiday season, crowds, and […]

Latest PIP News

Merry Mocktails! 10 Great Recipes to Support Recovery

The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for those in recovery, particularly students who may be returning to homes, friends, or family where their commitment to sobriety may not be known, understood, or welcomed. Whether making their own creative concoctions to avoid conversations they may not be prepared for or are safe, or to […]

Latest PIP News

3 Simple Mental Health Strategies for the Winter Months

Winter days often roll out like the rest of the year, a mix of good and difficult times, positive and challenging experiences, moments of motivation and moments of relaxation. However, what can make the experience of winter more difficult for our mental and emotional health is the expectation or anticipation we tend to hold around […]