
“Dry January” or “Sober Curious?” You’re Not Alone

Since the early 2010’s, when the calendar changes, there are a trend of people on social media announcing a “Dry January.” From hashtags to reels, stories of success or quick relapse, these people let us in on their journey to remove alcohol consumption from their routine for the first month of the year. Why Dry […]

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Loneliness & Isolation During the Holidays

Feelings of loneliness and the experience of isolation is not a new phenomenon during the holidays. It is uncomfortable, but fairly common, to have an experience of feeling alone in a crowd because loneliness and isolation are as much an internal experience as an external one. As we move into the holiday season, crowds, and […]

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3 Simple Mental Health Strategies for the Winter Months

Winter days often roll out like the rest of the year, a mix of good and difficult times, positive and challenging experiences, moments of motivation and moments of relaxation. However, what can make the experience of winter more difficult for our mental and emotional health is the expectation or anticipation we tend to hold around […]

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College Students: Why Going Home for the Holidays Can Be Challenging

The holidays carry a lot of pressure and expectation, no matter what age you are. But, due to common developmental stages and changes, going home for the holidays can be tricky for a college student. While breaks from school are a welcome respite in a warm, restorative environment for some, we know that is not […]

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Global Unrest & Students’ Psychological Safety & Compassionate Responses

This semester has been particularly difficult on college campuses as we seek to guide and support students impacted by the global unrest and atrocities happening in many areas. From central and north Africa to rising tensions in the Middle East, students with personal connections to those areas, and even those without, are navigating discussions, media […]


Does Your College Have Student Counseling?

I’ve spent a lot of time in college. Undergraduate. Graduate. Graduate again. It was partly because I enjoyed school and partly because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Later, I worked for a college in a college counseling center. Interestingly, after all those years in a college setting, it […]


Making Peace with “Mistakes” in College

College is a time often full of “mistakes.” At least, that is what the media portrays and how many of us think about some of the things we did during those years. But, what if we framed that conversation differently? What if some things are mistakes but, many more are a reflection of the developmental […]

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Helping Students Find Connection on Campus 

The media-driven image of a student going off to college is often one of happiness, even elation, leaving home to make new friends and have wonderful experiences. However, what we know to be true is many college students struggle, at least to some degree, with the transition to college. In addition to homesickness, many students […]


Managing College Student Homesickness

The media image of students heading off or returning to college is full of youthful exuberance and independence. “Finally! I’m out of the house and on my own!” “I am so excited to be back with my friends again!” However, as a former college counselor, I can share with you that not only is homesickness […]


5 Tips for Engaging in Effective, Positive Digital/Online Communication 

Here’s a fun fact many may not know: July 17th is World Emoji Day! As silly as this day might seem, it points to how much our communication has changed since the late 1990s when emojis became part of our regular, digital communication.  With as many fun, creative, unique, and potentially subjective ways we have […]