PIP News

Increasing Mental Safety Following an Election

Following any presidential inauguration, a portion of the country finds themselves feeling safer and more comfortable, while the other feels increasingly threatened and oppressed. This transition, particularly for many of those who serve in higher education and/or prevention organizations like Partners in Prevention, has been particularly difficult.   However, even if this is not the case […]


“Dry January” or “Sober Curious?” You’re Not Alone

Since the early 2010’s, when the calendar changes, there are a trend of people on social media announcing a “Dry January.” From hashtags to reels, stories of success or quick relapse, these people let us in on their journey to remove alcohol consumption from their routine for the first month of the year. Why Dry […]

Latest PIP News

College Students: Why Going Home for the Holidays Can Be Challenging

The holidays carry a lot of pressure and expectation, no matter what age you are. But, due to common developmental stages and changes, going home for the holidays can be tricky for a college student. While breaks from school are a welcome respite in a warm, restorative environment for some, we know that is not […]

Latest PIP News

Global Unrest & Students’ Psychological Safety & Compassionate Responses

This semester has been particularly difficult on college campuses as we seek to guide and support students impacted by the global unrest and atrocities happening in many areas. From central and north Africa to rising tensions in the Middle East, students with personal connections to those areas, and even those without, are navigating discussions, media […]


5 Tips for Engaging in Effective, Positive Digital/Online Communication 

Here’s a fun fact many may not know: July 17th is World Emoji Day! As silly as this day might seem, it points to how much our communication has changed since the late 1990s when emojis became part of our regular, digital communication.  With as many fun, creative, unique, and potentially subjective ways we have […]


Violent News & Weather Coverage: Strategies for Staying Both Informed & Emotionally Safe

Intense news and weather reports are nothing new to our experience. However, in the past couple of weeks, we have encountered some particularly violent events including tornadoes that have wiped out portions of entire towns and a devastating school shooting in Nashville. One challenging mental health aspect of these events is the increasingly transparent media […]


Domestic Terror Threats: A Guide to Compassionate Response on Campus

In a recent terrorism advisory bulletin, the Department of Homeland security noted an increase in domestic threats from extremists within the United States. Some of those named specifically at risk were faith-based, particularly Jewish individuals or places of worship, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as ongoing threats related to how people perceive the […]


Increasing Mental Safety: A Response to Threats Made to HBCU Campuses

In the past few days, more than a dozen historically Black colleges and universities have received bomb threats. The students, staff, and faculty on these campuses have experienced fear, frustration, and the need to bolster their physical, emotional, and mental defenses. This cycle, repeating threats from throughout history, has existed for far too long for […]