
Loneliness & Isolation During the Holidays

Feelings of loneliness and the experience of isolation is not a new phenomenon during the holidays. Even in previous years when you may have been surrounded by people at a gathering, it is possible to feel alone in a crowd. Loneliness and isolation are as much an internal experience as an external one. But, the […]


Sadness During the 2020 Holidays: Ways to Cope

Many people identify certain emotions as “good” emotions and others as “bad” emotions. In reality, all emotions are simply information, helping you to understand how you are processing a situation. We categorize emotions this way is because some are more pleasant to feel. Happiness, contentment, and peace are more pleasant, while sadness, anger, and frustration […]


Going Home From College During the 2020 Holidays? It May Be Like Nothing You’ve Ever Done Before

For some students, going home for the holidays is a positive experience. For others, life at home is a challenge. But, this year? There are likely some challenges facing you that are different from any you’ve ever known. Holiday traditions, the job you may have usually worked, the extended family you would usually see – […]