
988 One Year Later: What We Know

Just over a year ago, I sat at our prevention conference, mouth agape at the sheer ambition of the 988 plan. The federal government, in partnership with the states, was planning to launch a nationwide system of crisis intervention for mental health, suicide, and substance use in the summer of 2022. The goals were strategic, […]

PIP News

May 2023: Mental Health Awareness Month

Year after year, the culture improves in awareness, advocacy, and accessibility of mental health knowledge and services. In that same breath, we also acknowledge that great strides are needed. Concerns related to insurance, availability of providers, and a lack of health equity mean we have much work to do. Despite these challenges, we wanted to […]


Violent News & Weather Coverage: Strategies for Staying Both Informed & Emotionally Safe

Intense news and weather reports are nothing new to our experience. However, in the past couple of weeks, we have encountered some particularly violent events including tornadoes that have wiped out portions of entire towns and a devastating school shooting in Nashville. One challenging mental health aspect of these events is the increasingly transparent media […]


Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women in Mental Health

As is common in history classrooms, sometimes we don’t always learn a complete representation of all the pioneers who contributed to a particular subject or science. This trend holds true in mental health where names like Freud, Pavlov, Bandura, and Maslow lead the way in many of our psychology and education classes. While these men […]


Considering Going to Therapy? 5 Common Challenges

“If your car isn’t working you would take it to the mechanic.” “Mental health care is just like physical healthcare. Take care of your body and your mind.” “Going to a therapist isn’t weakness, it’s a sign of strength.” Ever heard any of these? Me too. And, as a therapist, I believe them wholeheartedly. But, […]


What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Hello January with your cold, long days and less light than we are used to. Are you over yet?! Many people start the calendar year with a lot of hope for a fresh start, only to hit what feels like quicksand when it comes to motivation and activity. You may have heard the mental health […]


Suggestions for Avoiding College Student & Staff Burnout

We live in a fast-paced society that often glorifies “hustle culture.” This pressure to accomplish and perform exists alongside advances in technology that keep us perpetually dialed into an awareness of things to do, information to process, or the sense that we “miss out by unplugging.” For collegiate staff and students, this experience can be […]


Managing Anxiety During the Holidays

The other day, Academy-award-winning actress and philanthropist Viola Davis shared an image by @haleydrewthis on Instagram. In the image, an anthropomorphized scribble with legs, arms, and wide eyes is labeled “my anxiety.” In the adjacent picture, it is the same scribble but with Christmas lights, labeled “my anxiety in December.” The picture is adorable but, […]


Domestic Terror Threats: A Guide to Compassionate Response on Campus

In a recent terrorism advisory bulletin, the Department of Homeland security noted an increase in domestic threats from extremists within the United States. Some of those named specifically at risk were faith-based, particularly Jewish individuals or places of worship, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as ongoing threats related to how people perceive the […]


College Students: Why Going Home for the Holidays Can Be Challenging

The holidays carry a lot of pressure and expectation, no matter what age you are. But, due to common developmental stages and changes, going home for the holidays can be tricky for a college student. While breaks from school are a welcome respite in a warm, restorative environment for some, we know that is not […]