
If Your Summer Has Been a Bummer

Summer, particularly for those whose lives are impacted by the school calendar, holds the hopeful promise of rest. Even with an obligation here or there, we often hope summer is different somehow in terms of fun, space to breathe, the chance to travel, rest, catch up, or whatever else may feel beyond our reach during […]


Important Connections Between Sleep & Mental Health

Sleep is a daily, foundational part of our health routine, and yet, so many people struggle to get the right kind and amount, of consistent, uninterrupted snooze hours. We understand the impact poor sleep has on our physical health. We can literally feel it when we wake up and still feel tired, sluggish, have trouble […]


Important Connections Between Exercise & Mental Health

June is a fantastic month. It is the host to many weddings, outdoor events, and summer nights before things get too sweltering in July and August. For this reason, June is also a great month to talk about exercise. Given how comfortable it is outside, maybe we’ll all get a few more steps in! The […]


5 Summer Wellness Tips

Summer is a time when many people feel a little bit better simply because we get some extra sunlight, maybe a vacation, and some great outdoor options. But summer can also present some challenges for our well-being. For those who may be feeling a little “blah” this summer, here are five summer-specific wellness tips that […]


988 One Year Later: What We Know

Just over a year ago, I sat at our prevention conference, mouth agape at the sheer ambition of the 988 plan. The federal government, in partnership with the states, was planning to launch a nationwide system of crisis intervention for mental health, suicide, and substance use in the summer of 2022. The goals were strategic, […]


2023 Meeting of the Minds Wrap-Up &  Celebration!

This year’s Meeting of the Minds conference in Kansas City had an air of gratitude and celebration. After years of persevering through the pandemic, determining whether or not to have the conference, changing up the format, finding a way forward online, or gathering with safety protocols in place, we have fully found our way back […]


Violent News & Weather Coverage: Strategies for Staying Both Informed & Emotionally Safe

Intense news and weather reports are nothing new to our experience. However, in the past couple of weeks, we have encountered some particularly violent events including tornadoes that have wiped out portions of entire towns and a devastating school shooting in Nashville. One challenging mental health aspect of these events is the increasingly transparent media […]


Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women in Mental Health

As is common in history classrooms, sometimes we don’t always learn a complete representation of all the pioneers who contributed to a particular subject or science. This trend holds true in mental health where names like Freud, Pavlov, Bandura, and Maslow lead the way in many of our psychology and education classes. While these men […]


Considering Going to Therapy? 5 Common Challenges

“If your car isn’t working you would take it to the mechanic.” “Mental health care is just like physical healthcare. Take care of your body and your mind.” “Going to a therapist isn’t weakness, it’s a sign of strength.” Ever heard any of these? Me too. And, as a therapist, I believe them wholeheartedly. But, […]


Qualities of Healthy Relationships

Since February includes Valentine’s Day, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves about the qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships. However, did you also know that February is also host to a number of other relationship-oriented holidays? Yes, in addition to Valentine’s Day, this month also includes International Friendship Month, National Weddings Month, […]