
Dreams, Nightmares, and Mental Health

At the end of October, with all the spooky themes and Halloween fun, it seemed like a good time to talk about dreams, nightmares, and how sleep plays into our mental health. It is generally recommended that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. During the time we are asleep, our […]


How Fear Can Affect Decision-Making & Interactions with Others

During this “spooky” month of October, it seems appropriate to talk about fear. Specifically, how fear can affect decision-making and/or interactions with others. To begin, let’s chat a little about brain development. In utero, our brains develop from base to front, inside to outside. After the brain stem (which controls automatic functions like breathing, heart […]


A Global Look at Mental Health in Honor of World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day was first established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1992 and is now observed on October 10th of each year. This year’s theme is “Mental Health Care for All: Let’s Make it a Reality.” As we continue to work through the global COVID-19 pandemic, it seems a fitting time to […]

PIP News

September is Self-Care Awareness Month

I don’t know who determined that self-care awareness month would be September, but it was a great call. September is when we go back to school. September is when we are in transition between summer and school schedules. September is when we face whether we are adjusting well to the change in busyness, focus, and […]


Suicide Prevention Week – A Closer Look

The beginning of September marks Suicide Prevention Week, giving us a focused opportunity to learn and think compassionately about suicidal ideation (thoughts of suicide), suicide attempts, and those we have lost. In the spirit of compassion, I wanted to take a moment to highlight some numbers and then, move in for a close-up view of “humanity […]


What To Do If Your Semester Started Poorly

We all start our academic semesters with great hope (and probably a few nerves). We plan on going to class, being great students, making friends, and accomplishing a few goals. But, what do you do when that doesn’t happen? What do you do when you are a few weeks, or even a few months, into […]


Holistic Goal Setting for the School Year

As hot as it may be right now, before we know it the leaves will be turning, the air will be crisp, and we will be walking around our campuses with all the hope (and nerves!) that a new semester brings. One of the ways we develop hope and combat our nerves for any type […]


Breaking Up with the “Moment Fairy” for a Happier, Healthier Summer

As we head into summer, vacation planning, and all the fun this season can bring, I wanted to introduce you to one of my favorite concepts. Its name is “the Moment Fairy” and I admit, it has spoiled more than one of my best laid plans over the years. It is my hope that if […]


Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month

You know, I thought this was going to be an easy post to write. May was mental health awareness month, I am a therapist, and I just wanted to wrap up that time in a way that honored people. But, as soon as my fingers hit the keyboard, the feelings started. I’m going to try […]


“Post” Pandemic: The Challenge to Reengage in Healthy Practices

One of the more difficult influences of the pandemic is how it pushed people away from healthy coping mechanisms/practices and toward unhealthy ones. This is not because we wanted to be less healthy, but rather, our usual coping mechanisms were not available. As examples, let’s consider how some common health or support practices may have […]