
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is Now 988!

With Suicide Prevention month coming up in September, we are excited to discuss a public policy advancement in suicide and crisis intervention. In April, at Meeting of the Minds, many of us had the privilege of attending a discussion around the national change from the previous 1-800 number for the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. This change […]


Making a Healthy Transition from Summer to School

The biggest challenges in any person’s life often happen under the heading of one word: change. Many of us find comfort in being creatures of habit, finding routine, and knowing what to expect. Even the experience of “positive stress” can come with welcome changes such as starting a new exciting job, getting married, or even […]


5 Tips for Engaging in Effective, Positive Digital/Online Communication

Here’s a fun fact many may not know: July 17th is World Emoji Day! As silly as this day might seem, it points to how much our communication has changed since the late 1990s when emojis became part of our regular, digital communication. With as many fun, creative, unique, and potentially subjective ways we have […]


Important Connections Between Sleep & Mental Health

Sleep is a daily, foundational part of our health routine, and yet, so many people struggle to get the right kind and amount, of consistent, uninterrupted snooze hours. We understand the impact poor sleep has on our physical health. We can literally feel it when we wake up and still feel tired, sluggish, have trouble […]

PIP News

12 Movies About Mental Health for Your Summer

Depending on how you count, there are either twelve or thirteen weeks throughout June, July, and August. Partners in Prevention thought it might be fun to provide a list that would allow you to watch at least one excellent movie each week that would not only be enjoyable, but also serve to increase our understanding, […]


Important Connections Between Exercise & Mental Health

June is a fantastic month. It is the host to many weddings, outdoor events, and summer nights before things get too sweltering in July and August. For this reason, June is also a great month to talk about exercise. Given how comfortable it is outside, maybe we’ll all get a few more steps in! The […]


Ways to Honor Losses in Our Lives

The last Monday in May marks Memorial Day, established and observed to honor military personnel who died serving in the armed forces. In addition to the businesses that close, pools that open, and bar-b-ques to mark the beginning of summer, you may or may not know you can visit one of the largest national cemeteries, […]

PIP News

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Year after year, the culture improves in awareness, advocacy, and accessibility of mental health knowledge and services. In that same breath, we also acknowledge that great strides are needed. Concerns related to insurance, availability of providers, and a lack of health equity mean we have much work to do. Despite these challenges, we wanted to […]

Latest PIP News

Meeting of the Minds 2022: A Reflection in Gratitude

Since 2001, Meeting of the Minds has been a welcome, exciting, and consistent respite for college prevention professionals. Each year we are challenged to think critically about the unique difficulties that face collegiate staff, faculty, and students. But, along with that challenge, we are also encouraged. Encouraged by the like-minded people who buoy our efforts […]


Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women in Mental Health

As is common in history classrooms, sometimes we don’t always learn a complete representation of all the pioneers who contributed to a particular subject or science. This trend holds true in mental health where names like Freud, Pavlov, Bandura, and Maslow lead the way in many of our psychology and education classes. While these men […]