
Holistic Goal Setting for the School Year

As hot as it may be right now, before we know it the leaves will be turning, the air will be crisp, and we will be walking around our campuses with all the hope (and nerves!) that a new semester brings. One of the ways we develop hope and combat our nerves for any type […]


Breaking Up with the “Moment Fairy” for a Happier, Healthier Summer

As we head into summer, vacation planning, and all the fun this season can bring, I wanted to introduce you to one of my favorite concepts. Its name is “the Moment Fairy” and I admit, it has spoiled more than one of my best laid plans over the years. It is my hope that if […]


Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month

You know, I thought this was going to be an easy post to write. May was mental health awareness month, I am a therapist, and I just wanted to wrap up that time in a way that honored people. But, as soon as my fingers hit the keyboard, the feelings started. I’m going to try […]


“Post” Pandemic: The Challenge to Reengage in Healthy Practices

One of the more difficult influences of the pandemic is how it pushed people away from healthy coping mechanisms/practices and toward unhealthy ones. This is not because we wanted to be less healthy, but rather, our usual coping mechanisms were not available. As examples, let’s consider how some common health or support practices may have […]


Ending the School Year “Well”: How Being Intentional Can Support Your Transition

You made it. Somehow, through a year filled with uncertainty, a pandemic, racial unrest, and political polarization, you made it. The semester, in fact, the entire 2020-2021 school year is ending. With all of the difficulty we’ve encountered, I suspect there will be more than a few students, faculty, and staff who will be tempted […]


Body Image: Shifting Our Focus from Form to Function

As spring warms the air, many of us will begin thinking about summer plans, summer adventures, and — summer clothes. For those who struggle with negative body image, this spring may be an especially difficult time. Not only are we beginning to reengage with one another more in person but, we are also doing so […]


Students in Crisis: Mitigating Staff & Faculty Burnout

*Special Note: This article is a preview of a live session that will be provided during MOM 2021 training on March 4th at 10:00am (link here). As we reach nearly a year into the pandemic, faculty and staff continue to face stressors we’ve never encountered before. In addition, we are being asked to be strong […]

Latest PIP News

2021 Meeting of the Minds Training Series

Meeting of the Minds is a regional prevention and health education conference for college and university peer educators, their advisors, administrators, and campus and community law enforcement. However, due to COVID-19, we are unable to gather in person. Therefore, this year Partners in Prevention is sponsoring a nine week training series, featuring 5 tracks, a […]


Tips for Increased Mental Safety: A Response to Events at the US Capitol

The events that took place at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 were difficult to watch. It brought up concerns for our personal safety and the safety of our nation. It was the latest addition to safety-related crises we have known throughout 2020, not the least of which is the daily awareness of a […]


Self-Reflection at the End of 2020: Inviting Self-Compassion

Many people go through self-compassion questions or exercises at the end of a calendar year. And, even if it’s not that formal, most of us at least spend some time considering what has happened January through December in our work, personal lives, and the world at large. Many times, these types of evaluations ask questions […]