
Ending the School Year “Well”: How Being Intentional Can Support Your Transition

You made it. Somehow, through a year filled with uncertainty, a pandemic, racial unrest, and political polarization, you made it. The semester, in fact, the entire 2020-2021 school year is ending. With all of the difficulty we’ve encountered, I suspect there will be more than a few students, faculty, and staff who will be tempted […]


Body Image: Shifting Our Focus from Form to Function

As spring warms the air, many of us will begin thinking about summer plans, summer adventures, and — summer clothes. For those who struggle with negative body image, this spring may be an especially difficult time. Not only are we beginning to reengage with one another more in person but, we are also doing so […]


Students in Crisis: Mitigating Staff & Faculty Burnout

*Special Note: This article is a preview of a live session that will be provided during MOM 2021 training on March 4th at 10:00am (link here). As we reach nearly a year into the pandemic, faculty and staff continue to face stressors we’ve never encountered before. In addition, we are being asked to be strong […]

Latest PIP News

2021 Meeting of the Minds Training Series

Meeting of the Minds is a regional prevention and health education conference for college and university peer educators, their advisors, administrators, and campus and community law enforcement. However, due to COVID-19, we are unable to gather in person. Therefore, this year Partners in Prevention is sponsoring a nine week training series, featuring 5 tracks, a […]


Tips for Increased Mental Safety: A Response to Events at the US Capitol

The events that took place at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 were difficult to watch. It brought up concerns for our personal safety and the safety of our nation. It was the latest addition to safety-related crises we have known throughout 2020, not the least of which is the daily awareness of a […]


Self-Reflection at the End of 2020: Inviting Self-Compassion

Many people go through self-compassion questions or exercises at the end of a calendar year. And, even if it’s not that formal, most of us at least spend some time considering what has happened January through December in our work, personal lives, and the world at large. Many times, these types of evaluations ask questions […]


New Year, Less Beer: Cutting Back on Alcohol in 2021

As the new year approaches, you might be one of the millions of people who decide to make a new year’s resolution. Approximately 60% of Americans will make a resolution this year, and, typically, these resolutions revolve around becoming healthier. One way you can become healthier in the new year is to reduce your overall […]


Loneliness & Isolation During the Holidays

Feelings of loneliness and the experience of isolation is not a new phenomenon during the holidays. Even in previous years when you may have been surrounded by people at a gathering, it is possible to feel alone in a crowd. Loneliness and isolation are as much an internal experience as an external one. But, the […]


Sadness During the 2020 Holidays: Ways to Cope

Many people identify certain emotions as “good” emotions and others as “bad” emotions. In reality, all emotions are simply information, helping you to understand how you are processing a situation. We categorize emotions this way is because some are more pleasant to feel. Happiness, contentment, and peace are more pleasant, while sadness, anger, and frustration […]


What are College Students Doing to Prevent COVID-19?

As many colleges and universities are moving to suspend in-person courses, you might be asking ‘What are college students doing to avoid getting and spreading COVID-19?’ To better understand how COVID-19 has impacted the substance use, mental health, and overall well-being of Missouri college students, Partners in Prevention created the 2020 Students’ Well-being Survey. Implemented […]