
Important Connections Between Exercise & Mental Health

June is a fantastic month. It is the host to many weddings, outdoor events, and summer nights before things get too sweltering in July and August. For this reason, June is also a great month to talk about exercise. Given how comfortable it is outside, maybe we’ll all get a few more steps in! The […]


Ways to Honor Losses in Our Lives

The last Monday in May marks Memorial Day, established and observed to honor military personnel who died serving in the armed forces. In addition to the businesses that close, pools that open, and bar-b-ques to mark the beginning of summer, you may or may not know you can visit one of the largest national cemeteries, […]

PIP News

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Year after year, the culture improves in awareness, advocacy, and accessibility of mental health knowledge and services. In that same breath, we also acknowledge that great strides are needed. Concerns related to insurance, availability of providers, and a lack of health equity mean we have much work to do. Despite these challenges, we wanted to […]

Latest PIP News

Meeting of the Minds 2022: A Reflection in Gratitude

Since 2001, Meeting of the Minds has been a welcome, exciting, and consistent respite for college prevention professionals. Each year we are challenged to think critically about the unique difficulties that face collegiate staff, faculty, and students. But, along with that challenge, we are also encouraged. Encouraged by the like-minded people who buoy our efforts […]


Women’s History Month: Celebrating Women in Mental Health

As is common in history classrooms, sometimes we don’t always learn a complete representation of all the pioneers who contributed to a particular subject or science. This trend holds true in mental health where names like Freud, Pavlov, Bandura, and Maslow lead the way in many of our psychology and education classes. While these men […]


Hey, Parents: Texting Your College-Aged Child May Benefit Their Mental Health

Being the parent of a college-aged student can be a difficult transition for the parent/child relationship. For many parents, this is the first time their child has been out of their home on a consistent basis. With each passing semester, these young adults grow more independent, many returning home less and less often. And, even […]


Qualities of Healthy Relationships

Since February includes Valentine’s Day, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves about the qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships. However, did you also know that February is also host to a number of other relationship-oriented holidays? Yes, in addition to Valentine’s Day, this month also includes International Friendship Month, National Weddings Month, […]


Increasing Mental Safety: A Response to Threats Made to HBCU Campuses

In the past few days, more than a dozen historically Black colleges and universities have received bomb threats. The students, staff, and faculty on these campuses have experienced fear, frustration, and the need to bolster their physical, emotional, and mental defenses. This cycle, repeating threats from throughout history, has existed for far too long for […]


What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Hello January with your cold, long days and less light than we are used to. Are you over yet?! Many people start the calendar year with a lot of hope for a fresh start, only to hit what feels like quicksand when it comes to motivation and activity. You may have heard the mental health […]


New Year, Old You?

This first month of the year can bring such hope for a fresh start. Maybe you are hoping for a new health routine, a reset on your financial goals, maybe it’s a new approach to self-care or relationships. Perhaps it is that long-awaited goal on the horizon but, you know it’s going to take some […]