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Helping Students Understand & Access Healthcare

The transition to college brings a lot of “new” for students. For many, it’s the first time independently managing their own money and schedule and making decisions about nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc. without the structure of family or high school activities. But, one aspect of “new” we sometimes don’t think about or adequately prepare students for is how to manage their healthcare.

In college, no longer are they scheduled for a well-check by their parents or routinely screened for sight, hearing, or dental wellness at school. While many have health insurance either through their parents or the college/university, they may not know how to use it, who or when to call, or even what level of care to access for different health concerns.

During my own undergraduate experience, a friend got a cold that did not resolve. He got sicker and sicker, coughing, and fever, eventually getting to the point that he was having difficulty breathing. When I asked why he wasn’t going to the doctor he replied that he didn’t have health insurance and it would be too expensive. Imagine his shock when I told him that everyone had healthcare at the student health center via their tuition. He went and was eventually healed from what had become pneumonia.

Additionally, while working for several years in the wellness center at a college, we had students who simply did not understand the most cost-efficient way to access different levels of healthcare. Our nurse practitioner and staff regularly had conversations with students who had taken themselves to the local emergency room for non-emergent issues, only to end up with huge medical bills. We tried very hard each semester to get out in front of these situations by marketing the variety of health concerns that could be accessed for free or low cost right there on campus.

Script text saying "important" in varying shades of blue

Important Messages for Students Regarding Healthcare in College

  1. Know where your student healthcare center is on campus. Put their number and hours of availability in your phone.
  2. Visit, call, or email your student healthcare center before you need it. This will make it easier and more familiar to visit when you are under more stress, sick, or injured.
  3. Know how your insurance works with the student health center. They are experts in this. Just call and ask.
  4. Know what services are available through your student health center and go there first for any of these concerns. It is likely far less expensive than seeking an outside advisor.
  5. If you need access to a type of healthcare, test, specialist, etc. that is not provided at your student health center, you can still ask them for advice! They likely have suggestions or guidance that can help you get the care you need.
  6. Go see someone at your student health center once a year even if you don’t “need” to. Establishing a well-check routine is a healthy adult habit and will give you baseline information on measures like weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and more that can help inform your care as you get older.
  7. Similarly, many students either develop or finally get a diagnosis for something they have been chronically struggling with while they are in college. Better to learn about and begin the care for these concerns now rather than wait.
  8. Student health centers are also a great place to get screenings and help for addiction, mental, and/or behavioral health concerns. They are likely able to make a referral to a counseling center on campus or a local partnership that helps students facing these concerns.
List of seven tips to help students understand and access college healthcare.

Student health and well-being are central to being able to enjoy, excel, and experience college optimally. Rarely in your adult life will healthcare be as personal, accessible, and holistic as it is in college. Please take advantage of this valuable opportunity!

Published January 22, 2025 by Anne Rulo, Author, Speaker, Therapist. FB/IG/Twitter @annemrulo 

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