PIP News

Qualities of Healthy Relationships

Since February includes Valentine’s Day, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves about the qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships. However, did you also know that February is also host to a number of other relationship-oriented holidays? Yes, in addition to Valentine’s Day, this month also includes International Friendship Month, National Weddings Month, […]

PIP News

What Makes People Fall in Love?

As captivating and mysterious as love is often portrayed, there actually is quite a bit of science to it. Numerous studies have attempted to tackle what influences people to be more likely to fall in love with one another and develop passion, as well as the chemical process that happens when people fall in love. […]

PIP News

Finding Fun & Joy on the Recovery Journey: Because Healing Does Not Have to Be Exhausting!

Recovery. It is a word that can sometimes carry a lot of weight – especially when stigma comes into play.  But what if I told you that recovery can be fun, joyful, and filled with new and enjoyable experiences?  Yes, you read that right—recovery can be fun! In fact, a ton of fun!  Here is […]

PIP News

Increasing Mental Safety Following an Election

Following any presidential inauguration, a portion of the country finds themselves feeling safer and more comfortable, while the other feels increasingly threatened and oppressed. This transition, particularly for many of those who serve in higher education and/or prevention organizations like Partners in Prevention, has been particularly difficult.   However, even if this is not the case […]

PIP News

Helping Students Understand & Access Healthcare

The transition to college brings a lot of “new” for students. For many, it’s the first time independently managing their own money and schedule and making decisions about nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc. without the structure of family or high school activities. But, one aspect of “new” we sometimes don’t think about or adequately prepare students […]

PIP News

7 Mental Wellness Practices

Welcome to January, aka mental wellness month! In honor of this, we will look briefly at the historical focus on mental illness to modern prevention through mental wellness practices. To begin, consider common responses to problems in nearly all fields. Early efforts are usually focused on finding ways to fix them: But, in response to […]

PIP News

Embracing Self-Acceptance on Your Recovery Journey

Recovery is a deeply personal, unique, and transformative process. Whether you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, eating disorder, or other mental health condition, the journey often involves rediscovering your sense of self. It is about finding your way back to a place of peace, and to do that, self-acceptance is an important part of […]

PIP News

“Dry January” or “Sober Curious?” You’re Not Alone

Since the early 2010’s, when the calendar changes, there are a trend of people on social media announcing a “Dry January.” From hashtags to reels, stories of success or quick relapse, these people let us in on their journey to remove alcohol consumption from their routine for the first month of the year. Why Dry […]

PIP News

Managing Anxiety During the Holidays

A couple of years ago, Academy-award-winning actress and philanthropist Viola Davis shared an image by @haleydrewthis on Instagram. In the image, an anthropomorphized scribble with legs, arms, and wide eyes is labeled “my anxiety.” In the adjacent picture, it is the same scribble but with Christmas lights, labeled “my anxiety in December.” The picture is adorable […]

PIP News

Finishing the Semester “Well”

Today we will take an alternative look at what it means to end the semester “well.” At first, this may feel like an achievement-related question. How can I end with the highest grade? Working the hardest? Sliding into my last final having expended the last of my human-ness so I can collapse into bed immediately […]